Risk Behaviours


Physical Activity, E Cigarette Use and the Impact of Smoking Policies

This webinar was held in March 2018 and was presented by Kelly Morgan and Elen deLacy, Cardiff University

Trends in Tobacco and E-Cigarette Use in Young People

This webinar was held in March 2019 and was presented by Dr Graham Moore, Cardiff University

New and emerging risk behaviours: gambling and dating and relationship violence

This webinar was held in November 2019 and was presented by Dr Sara Long and Dr Graham Moore, Cardiff University

Research Briefings:

These are short, school-friendly summaries of research studies that have been completed using SHRN data. Full papers for the studies are linked to below under ‘Research Papers’

School smoking policies and student use of tobacco, e-cigarettes and cannabis

Electronic cigarette use in young people in Wales

Have electronic cigarettes made smoking seem normal again to young people?

Gambling behaviours and socio-emotional harm among 11-16 year olds in Wales


Contact your local Healthy Schools team for advice on all aspects of substance use and misuse and recommended local support and resources

Research Papers:

Moore G, Hewitt G, Evans J, Littlecott H J, Holliday J, Ahmed N, Moore L, Murphy S, Fletcher A
Electronic-cigarette use among young people in Wales: evidence from two cross-sectional surveys
BMJ Open

Hallingberg B, Fletcher A, Murphy S, Morgan K, Littlecott H J, Roberts J, Moore G F
Do stronger school smoking policies make a difference? Analysis of the health behaviour in school-aged children survey
The European Journal of Public Health

de Lacy E, Fletcher A, Hewitt G, Murphy S, Moore G
Cross-sectional study examining the prevalence, correlates and sequencing of electronic cigarette and tobacco use among 11-16 year olds in schools in Wales
BMJ Open

Long S, Evans R, Fletcher A, Hewitt G, Murphy S, Young H, Moore G
Comparison of substance use, subjective well-being and interpersonal relationships among young people in foster care and private households: a cross sectional analysis of the School Health Research Network survey in Wales
BMJ Open

Midgely L, Murphy S, Moore G, Hewitt G, White J
Multilevel population-based cross-sectional study examining school substance-misuse policy and the use of cannabis, mephedrone and novel psychoactive substances amongst 11-16 year olds in schools in Wales

Moore G, Cox R, Evans R, Hallingberg B, Hawkins J, Littlecott H, Long S, Murphy S
School, peer and family relationships and adolescent substance use, subjective wellbeing and mental health symptoms in Wales: A cross-sectional study
Child Indicators Research

Hallingberg B, Maynard O, Bauld L, Brown R, Gray L, Lowthian E, MacKintosh A, Moore L, Munafo M, Moore G
Have e-cigarettes renormalised or displaced youth smoking? Results of a segmented regression analysis of repeated cross sectional survey data in England, Scotland and Wales
Tobacco Control

Melendez-Torres G, Anthony R, Hewitt G, Murphy S, Moore G
Prevalence of gambling behaviours and their associations with socioemotional harm among 11–16 year olds in Wales: findings from the School Health Research Network survey
European Journal of Public Health