In order to to promote collaboration, high-quality research can become part of the Network’s research portfolio through our adoption process.
School Health Research Network adoption should ideally be sought before a bid for funding is submitted, it is open to PhD studentships and fellowship applications.
Benefits of School Health Research Network adoption
Researchers on Network-adopted projects will be able to access:
* Support from SHRN researchers and schools in developing studies
* Support with incorporating public involvement and knowledge exchange into your research
* Access to a network of research ready schools with a pre existing data infrastructure (baseline, school context and follow up data)
* Support with school recruitment
* Opportunities to collaborate and share knowledge with our network of policy, practice and academic partners to promote impact
* Use of Network logo and branding on project outputs and publicity materials
Being a Network adopted study can also facilitate registration with the Health and Care Research Wales Portfolio. This enables eligible studies to access the Regional Research Network which can help to set up and co-ordinate studies, recruit participants and collect data. Please see the Health and Care Research Wales website for further information.
How to apply
Please submit a completed adoption form (found below) to the Network Administrator to be reviewed by the Partnership Board. Following this, you will receive a decision and/or feedback on your project.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Network Administrator.
Network adopted studies
Ongoing Development Activity of Namibian SHRN (HEfCW ODA)
Honor Young, Rhiannon Evans
Mental Health Data Prize: Africa
General Studentship: Impact of digital social interactions on the adolescent brain and well-being
Thais Marques
ESRC DTP Fellowship
SHRN 2024-28: Next phase of Infrastructure funding
Simon Murphy
Welsh Government
PRoGRAM-A (Preventing Gambling Related Harm in Adolescents): a pilot randomised control trial
Fiona Dobble
Time Trends and Influences on Emotional Support for Young People in Wales, UK: before and since the COVID-19 Pandemic (Short title: Trends in Emotional Support)
Rebecca Anthony
The Health Foundation
Adopted young people returning to care
Rebecca Anthony
St David’s Children Society
New directions in young carers research: Investigating the spectrum, researching practice and evaluating projects
Ed Janes
Using nurse-led digital technologies to increase the uptake of sexual health services among 16-18 year olds.
Clare Bennett
Burdett Nursing Trust
Impacts on child dietary behaviours and health: Exploring school policy responses to the rise in cost of living
Kelly Morgan
Sara Long
Curriculum for Wales (CfW) formative evaluation
Rhian Barrance, Sara Long
Welsh Government
Ann John
Co-designing a culturally appropriate school-based intervention to encourage earlier bedtimes and improve sleep in children aged 8-11 years old
Charlotte Wahlich
Preventing anxiety and depression through increasing school connectedness – identifying the active ingredients of a whole school approach (Stage 3)
Jeremy Segrott, Hayley Reed, Nick Page
Wellcome Trust Mental Health Data Prize
A theory-based, mixed-methods evaluation of the Welsh Government Framework on Embedding a Whole School Approach to Mental and Emotional Wellbeing (WSA Evaluation)
Rachel Brown
Wolfson Centre for Young People’s Mental Health
No formal funding amount requested
Mental health provision for children and young people in schools and FE colleges (11-25 years) with experiences of care: Mixed-method study of implementation, acceptability, need and priority outcomes
Gillian Hewitt, Sarah Macdonald
HCRW Social Care
Adaptation of a Secondary School Mental Health and Wellbeing Intervention to the Welsh Context
Hayley Reed
HCRW Fellowship
Identifying Protective and Risk Behaviour Patterns of Online Communication in Young People (Nurture)
Emily Lowthian
ESRC Nature Network
Preventing anxiety and depression through increasing school connectedness – identifying the active ingredients of a whole school approach
Jeremy Segrott, Hayley Reed, Nicholas Page
Wellcome Trust Mental Health Data Prize
NIHR PhD thesis on child obesity prevention, focused on food portion size for pre-school children
Alice Porter
PHW Support Fund
Maximising the impact and reach of evidence from Wales’s Student Health and Wellbeing Survey by improving accessibility and interpretability among schools and students
Nicholas Page
Cardiff University Innovation for All
Research exploring what and how adolescents learn about sex and relationships and their associated helpseeking behaviours
Emma Renold
Phase 3 funding 2022-2024; Primary school expansion of SHRN: SHRN Primary Network-Extending the School Health Research Network into primary schools in Wales to support mental health and wellbeing throughout childhood and adolescence (Pri-SHRN)
Graham Moore
Welsh Government
Next stage funding 2022-2024; Secondary SHRN 2022-2024
Simon Murphy
Welsh Government
School-based interventions To Prevent dating and relationship and gender-based violence (STOPDRV-GBV): systematic review to understand characteristics, mechanisms, implementation and effectiveness
G.J. Melendez-Torres
CHoosing Active Role Models to INspire Girls (CHARMING): cluster randomised feasibility study of a school-based, community-linked programme to increase physical activity levels in 9-11 year old girls (CHARMING II)
Kelly Morgan
Secondary SHRN Student Health and Wellbeing Survey 2021 – 2023. (Extension)
Simon Murphy
Welsh Government
Primary school expansion of SHRN: SHRN Primary Network-Extending the School Health Research Network into primary schools in Wales to support mental health and wellbeing throughout childhood and adolescence (Phase 2)
Graham Moore
Welsh Government
The role of schools in supporting positive social relationships to improve school engagement, wellbeing, and substance use outcomes among young people in care: a mixed methods study (funded extension)
Graham Moore
Health and Care Research Wales
Integration of health and wellbeing into the school curriculum: a mixed methods investigation of preparations for Wales-wide curriculum reform and it’s impacts on health and wellbeing (funded extension)
Sara Long
Health and Care Research Wales
Mindset Teams in the Scottish education system
Kelly Morgan
Stand By Me: Scoping study exploring the acceptability and feasibility of implementing Bystander interventions to prevent GBV in UK schools’
Kelly Buckley, Rhiannon Evans
Violence and Mental Health Network
COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities study (COSMO)
Jake Anders
UKRI Covid-19 Rapid Response Fund
Adoption of Investigating academic pressure as a risk factor for adolescent depression, to inform the development of whole-school interventions.
Gemma Lewis
Wellcome Trust – Sir Henry Dale Fellowship
EEF: Review of evidence on implementation in education
Darren Moore
Education Endowment Fund (EEF)
Mapping Teacher and Pupil Experiences of Relationships and Sexuality Education in a Changing Policy Context’
Max Ashton
No formal funding requested
Psychological Health dAta SciencE (DATAMIND)- A Mental Health Research Data Hub
Ann John
MRC Data Hub
Regulating Emotions – Strengthening Adolescent Resilience (RE-STAR)
Edmund Sonuga-Barke
MRC Developing Minds
Exploring the uptake and provision of Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) among ‘vulnerable’ groups: a mixed-methods study
David Wilkins
DTP PhD Studentships
Socio-economic status and wellbeing among secondary school students in Wales: an intersectional perspective
Ellie Harwood, David Egan
Welsh Government
Primary school expansion of SHRN: SHRN Primary Network-Extending the School Health Research Network into primary schools in Wales to support mental health and wellbeing throughout childhood and adolescence – Phase 1
Graham Moore
Welsh Government
The Wolfson Centre for Adolescent Mental Health in Wales
Stephan Collishaw, Fran Rice and Simon Murphy
Whole-school interventions promoting student commitment to school to prevent substance use and violence, and improve educational attainment: a systematic review
Chris Bonnel
Funded through ALPHA costs
Selfies, Snapchat and Keeping Safe: How do looked after children engage online? A mixed methods investigation
Cindy Corliss
Theory of Change and Evaluability Assessment for the Whole School Approach to Mental Health
Rachel Brown
Welsh Government
Review Of Statutory School And Community-Based Counselling Services And Research & Design Of A Pilot For Primary Aged Children
Rhiannon Evans
Welsh Government
The normalisation of adolescent digital dating abuse: does the Welsh Government’s ‘healthy relationship’ education curriculum meet learner needs?
Emma Noble, Honor Young
Modelling the causal relationship between teacher mental wellbeing and student mental wellbeing using multi-level mediation to generate theory on the mechanisms underlying mental health inequality in secondary schools
Caitlin Donaldson, Graham Moore, Jemma Hawkins
Engagement for SHRN
Simon Murphy
Public Health Wales
School-based interventions TO Prevent dating and relationship and gender-based violence (STOPDRV-GBV): systematic review to understand characteristics, mechanisms, implementation and
effectiveness (Outline)
G.J. Melendez-Torres (Exeter University)
NIHR (via Exeter University)
SHRN Survey 2019-2020
Simon Murphy
Further development and feasibility trial of a Web-based programme for adolescent depression
Rhys Bevan-Jones
Examining the longitudinal relationship between problematic social media use and self-harming behaviours in Welsh adolescents
Ann John
Part of Mental Health Pathfinder
The School Health Research Network: creating regional-level impact for health, education, and social care holders
Simon Murphy
ESRC Impact Acceleration Account
Investigating the use of mentoring for improving the health, wellbeing, educational outcomes and employability of young people
Heide Busse
To support DECIPHer methodological capacity for research bid development
Rachel Brown
Welsh Government
Testing the feasability of collecting DNA from secondary-school hildren within the classroom
Stephan Collishaw
Part of Mental Health Pathfinder
Mental Health Pathfinder: Integrating genetic, clinical and phenotypic data to advance stratification, prediction, and treatment in mental health
Jeremy Hall
Engage with Research: Exploring the Public Health Potentials of Coproduction
Peter Gee
ESRC Festival of Social Science
Integration of health and wellbeing into the school curriculum: a mixed methods investigation of preparations for Wales-wide curriculum reform and it’s impacts on health and wellbeing
Sara Long
Health and Care Research Wales
Trialling a student research advisory group in SHRN schools
Peter Gee
The School Health Research Network: creating regional-level impact for health, education and social care stakeholders
Simon Murphy
ESRC Impact Acceleration Account
Understanding outcomes for Welsh children who are placed in secure accommodation
Annie Williams
Social Care Wales
A multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial to investigate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an informal school-based peer-led drug prevention intervention (The FRANK friends study)
James White
Mental Health Network Glasgow (Transdisciplinary Research for the Improvement of Youth Mental Public Health (TRIUMPH) Network)
Lisa McDaid (Glasgow University)
Health Action in Schools for a Thriving Adolescent Generation (HASHTAG)- South Africa and Nepal
Mark Tomlinson (Stellenbosch University)
The JACK Trial A multi-site cluster randomised trial of an interactive film-based intervention to reduce teenage pregnancy and promote positive sexual health
Maria Lohan
RCT of the school-based KiVA anti-bullying intervention
Judy Hutchings
Wellbeing in Secondary Education (WISE) CUROP placement
Jill Grey
Cardiff University
The implementation of young people’s research advisory group (based on the model of ALPHA) within School Health Research Network (SHRN)
Joan Roberts
Promoting evidence based school health policy and practice to improve pupil’s health and well being
Joan Roberts
Cardiff University
The role of schools in supporting positive social relationships to improve school engagement, wellbeing, and substance use outcomes among young people in care: a mixed methods study
Graham Moore
Health and Care Research Wales
The implementation of young people’s research advisory groups (based on the model of ALPHA) within School Health Research Network (SHRN)
Peter Gee
ESRC Festival of Social Science
Caring lives: What do young people who care for family members need to thrive? An empirical investigation (PhD)
Ed Janes
High caffeine energy drinks: prevalence and opportunities for intervention (PhD)
Manal Alhumud
Saudi Arabia Cultural Bureau
Engaging low-income families in school-based health interventions: A case study of Food and Fun clubs in Wales (PhD)
Amy Bond
School Holiday Enrichment Programme (SHEP) Evaluation 2017
Kelly Morgan, Linda McConnon, Graham Moore, Jemma Hawkins
Children’s and adolescents’ experience of emergency department and CAMHS Crisis Liaison Team service provision following presentation for self-harm: Systematic review and qualitative study
Rhiannon Evans, Jonathan Scourfield, Colin Powell, Ruth Turley, Lucy Biddle, Antonio Munoz-Solomando, Sarah MacDonald
Health Care Research Wales
Pre-intervention exploration of how teachers and stakeholders understand and theorise mental health and wellbeing in Welsh primary education (PhD)
Stephen Jennings
Health Care Research Wales
Does Local Authority care make a difference to the lives of vulnerable children? Longitudinal analyses of a retrospective
Sara Long
Understanding alcohol advertising exposure in secondary school pupils: the role of age in media engagement
Rachel Brown
Cardiff University SOCSI Research Committee
What works centre for children’s social care: Research partner proposal
Donald Forrester
Understanding secondary effects of parental alcohol use on young people’s health and educational outcomes
Emily Lowthian
The role of schools in supporting positive social relationships to improve school engagement, wellbeing, and substance use outcomes among young people in care: a mixed methods study
Graham Moore
The Wales School for Social Care Research
The CHARMING study: Choosing Active Role Models to Inspire Girls
Kelly Morgan (Cardiff University), Alison Fildes (University College London)
Cancer Research UK
Well-being and Health in Schools Project (WHISP): Phase I
Nina Gobat, Simon Murphy, Rhiannon Evans, Michael Robling (Cardiff University)
Wellcome Trust ISSF Public Health Collaboration Fund
How can interventions integrating health and academic education in schools help to prevent substance misuse and violence among young people? A systematic review and evidence synthesis
Chris Bonell, Tara Tancard (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Rona Campbell (University of Bristol), Adam Fletcher (Cardiff University), James Thomas (University College London), GJ Melendez-Torres (Warwick Medical School)
Children and young people’s self-harm and suicide research collaboration
Rhiannon Evans, Jonathan Scourfield, Nina Jacob (Cardiff Unviersity), Ann Johns (Swansea University), Astrid Janssens, Tamsin Ford, Christabel Owen (University of Exeter), Paul Stallard (University of Bath), Judi Kidger, David Gunnell, Becky Mars, Lucy Biddle (University of Bristol)
Development and feasibility testing of a school-based programme to prevent childhood burns (PhD)
Harriet Quinn-Scoggins, Alison Kemp, James White
The Healing Foundation
Development of methodological guidance for the coproduction of health interventions: Targeting wellbeing in secondary schools to prevent mental health issues (PhD)
Hayley Reed
Peer led interventions to reduce drug use (ASSIST + Frank)
James White, Laurence Moore, Simon Murphy, Rona Campbell, Chris Bonell, Adam Fletcher
Developing a teacher training programme for a Group Motivational Interviewing intervention to prevent alcohol misuse in secondary schools (GMI-Alc)
Simon Murphy, Jemma Hawkins, Nina Gobat
Impacts of e-cigarette regulation via the EU Tobacco Products Directive on young people’s use of e-cigarettes and tobacco: a natural experiemt
Graham Moore, Simon Murphy, Britt Hallingberg, Linda Bauld, Anne Marie Mackintosh, Laurence Moore, Linsay Gray, Marcus Munafo
Can alcohol media literacy training for children and young people prevent alcohol related harm? A realist review of what works for whom and in what contexts
Rachel Brown, Adam Fletcher, Simon Murphy
The School Health Research Network (SHRN): Building Research Literacy and Evidence-informed Practice
Simon Murphy, Joan Roberts, Gillian Hewitt, Adam Fletcher
ESRC Accelerator Funding
Co-production, feasibility testing and pilot RCT of Positive Choices: a school-based social marketing intervention to promote sexual health, prevent unintended teenage pregnancies and address health inequalities in England
Chris Bonell, Liz Allen, Diana Elbourne, Farah Jamal (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Adam Fletcher, Honor Young (Cardiff University), Rona Campbell, Christine Barter (University of Bristol), Juliet Hillier (Brook)
Mental Health in Schools – RCT of an intervention to improve mental health support and training for secondary school staff (WISE study)
Judi Kidger, Rona Campbell, David Gunell (University of Bristol), Rhiannon Evans, Simon Murphy (Cardiff University), Tamsin Ford (University of Exeter)
Behavioural and decision making sciences in healthcare – GW4 Network
Paul Harper (Cardiff University), Iain Gilchrist (University of Bristol), Martin Pitt (University of Exeter), Christos Vasilakis (University of Bath)
GW4 Building Communities Programme Initiator Fund
Research literacy for the Welsh Baccalaureate: a scoping study
Behnaz Schofield, Adam Fletcher, Hayley Reed, Nina Gobat (Cardiff University)
Wellcome Trust
E-cigarette use among young people in Wales: mixed methods research (PhD)
Elen de Lacy
Exploring theory, context and implementation of substance misuse policy in Welsh secondary schools (PhD)
Luke Midgley
Promoting the utilization of health improvement evidence by schools: Knowledge Translation (KT) intervention development in Welsh secondary schools
Ruth Turley
Understanding perceptions and utilisation of school-level tailored health profiles from a complex systems perspective: a mixed methods evaluation (PhD)
Hannah Littlecott
MRC and Cardiff University
Increasing physical activity in pre-school aged children: systematic review, individual participant meta-analysis and intervention pilot (PhD)
Ruth Kipping, Russ Jago, James White