
Building Brighter Futures: Supporting care-experienced young people in school and FE college transitions


2024 SHRN Primary School Survey: Collection Now Closed

Case Study

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Launch of The SHRN School Environment Questionnaire (SEQ) in Secondary Schools 2023 Report

The SHRN SEQ 2023 Report


Infographics: Making SHRN Data Accessible and Engaging for Wider Audiences

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Double the Insight, Double the Impact: The SHRN Student Health and Well-Being Survey and The SHRN School Environment Questionnaire (SEQ)

We are delighted to report that over half of our SHRN registered primary schools have completed The School Environment Questionnaire (SEQ). This achievement reflects your commitment to enhancing the health and well-being of your learners.

By completing both The SHRN Student Health and Well-Being Survey and the SEQ, primary schools not only enhance their internal practices,  but also contribute to a broader understanding of health and well-being in education. This dual approach fosters a healthier, more supportive environment for all learners.

Thank you to all the schools for your participation and dedication to creating a positive learning environment. Together, we are making a difference!

For registered primary schools that have not yet completed both the SEQ and The SHRN Student Health and Well-Being Survey, here’s a reminder of some key benefits of you doing so:

  • Holistic Insights: By gathering data from both surveys, your school can gain a well-rounded view of your learners’ health, well-being, and the overall school environment. This helps you  identify specific areas that need attention.

The SHRN team is also able to anonymously analyse the relationship between school policies/practices and learner outcomes and share what we learn on potentially effective approaches with schools to develop knowledge exchange events such as our webinar series.

  • Data-Driven Policies: The insights gained from these surveys enables your school to make informed decisions regarding health and well-being initiatives, ensuring that policies are tailored to the actual needs of your learners.
  • Empowerment: Involving learners in the survey process can empower them, making them feel valued and heard, leading to increased engagement in your school activities and initiatives.
  • Targeted Interventions: The data can help  your school implement targeted health and well-being programmes that address specific issues, such as mental health, nutrition, and physical activity- ultimately improving learners and well-being.
  • National Standards: You can compare your school’s results with national data, allowing you to benchmark your performance and identify best practices from other schools.

Evidence for Estyn Inspections: Completing both surveys provides valuable evidence for your school inspection, demonstrating a commitment to learner health and well-being. Further, the SNRN and Public Health Wales partnership enables your  SHRN data  to be embedded as part a health promoting school.

  • Sustainable Practices: The data collected can inform long-term strategies for improving your school’s  policies and practices, ensuring that health and well-being remain a priority in your school development plans.

In summary, registered primary schools that complete both The SHRN Student Health and Well-Being Survey and the SEQ can unlock a range of benefits that enhance their educational environment and support their learner’s development.

Read more about The School Environment Questionnaire (SEQ). 


Double the Insight, Double the Impact: The SHRN Student Health and Well-Being Survey and The SHRN School Environment Questionnaire (SEQ)

Press Release

Physical activity up among secondary school pupils, but data also reveals increase in bullying

Physical activity among secondary school pupils in Wales has increased, reversing a decline that started in 2017.  It is now comparable to pre-pandemic levels, according to new data on pupils in Wales from the results of the Schools Health Research Network (SHRN) health and well-being survey released today.

The Wales-focused SHRN survey is one of the biggest surveys of school pupils in the UK. Every two years it asks questions on a range of topics including mental well-being, substance use and school life. The latest survey was completed by nearly 130,000 learners in years 7 to 11, within 200 maintained secondary schools across Wales. 

SHRN is a collaboration between Public Health Wales, Cardiff University and Welsh Government. The results are included as part of a new update to the Secondary School Children’s Health and Well-being Dashboard, an easy-to-use tool which enables users like schools, government and local authorities to look at figures from SHRN surveys over time. The dashboard allows users to explore the data by different regions, ages, gender and family affluence, providing an opportunity to identify trends for adolescents in Wales.  

Nearly a quarter of boys (23 per cent) met the Chief Medical Officers’ national guideline of at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day, an increase from 21 per cent in 2019 and 2021.  Among girls, 14 per cent met the current guidelines, which although low, has improved from 12 per cent in 2021. 

The survey also looked at young people’s experiences of bullying.  Almost 38 per cent of young people said that they had been bullied in the previous couple of months, up from 32 percent in 2021. Results are higher than ever previously reported in the survey with more than 40 per cent of girls being bullied compared to over 30 per cent of boys. 

Other findings: 

The figures also revealed a significant difference between the oldest and youngest pupils, as almost one in four 11 year olds (23 per cent) met physical activity guidelines compared to less than one in eight 16 year olds (13 per cent).  Particular attention therefore needs to be given to encouraging more physical activity among young people (especially girls) as they progress through their teenage years. 

Results for students exercising outside of school, also increased. However, there was a significant difference in results by family affluence; almost half (45 per cent) of children from more well-off families exercised vigorously outside of school four times a week compared to just a third of children (32 per cent) from poorer families.  

There has been a decrease in the number of young people who can count on their friends for support when things go wrong.  Just 60 per cent of young people in the survey said that they were able to count on their friends, a year on year decrease from 67 per cent in 2017. This trend is particularly apparent in the older age groups, and among boys.  

Lorna Bennett, Consultant in Health Improvement for Public Health Wales said:

“It is really encouraging to see the increase across the board in physical activity in secondary school aged young people.  We know that physical activity has significant benefits for both physical and mental health, so it’s great to see that young people are reversing the decline that we’ve seen since 2017.  The data show that young people are more active both in and outside school, which is pleasing to see. 

“However, although the increase in physical activity and exercise rates is welcome, it is clear that the number of young people meeting the guidelines for physical activity remains low, and it is important that we continue working to ensure that physical activity becomes part of the lives of more young people in Wales.   

“Public Health Wales are working with national partners, including Welsh Government, Sport Wales, and Natural Resources Wales, to develop the Daily Active Whole School Approach to Physical Activity. This aims to improve opportunities for physical activity in and around the school day, with a focus on areas such as active lessons, developing PE and active travel.  

“In addition, it is concerning to see a deprivation gap between the most and least affluent areas, and we would hope to see this narrowed in future surveys.” 

“It is alarming that the rates of bullying are increasing in all groups and both in face-to-face bullying and in cyberbullying.  It’s clear that a significant group of young people are having to deal with being bullied, which we know can have impacts on mental health. Public Health Wales is working with schools in Wales to embed the Whole School Approach to Emotional and Mental Well-being, which is designed to help schools support the mental health and well-being of children and young people, including preventing and tackling bullying”.  


Using SHRN data, Willows High School in Cardiff identified an opportunity to increase physical activity among their students and implemented an ongoing programme of fortnightly enrichment for the whole school.  By working with local partners, businesses, and the student body, the school now offers more than 50 different activities across a huge range of areas and has seen an increase in school attendance, greater uptake of physical activity and improved physical activity skills among pupils. 

Chris Norman, Headteacher from Willows High said: “By developing the enrichment programme we have given our learners an opportunity to become less sedentary and lead a more active lifestyle.  The range of activities that we offer has given them a chance to try a variety of different ways of exercising and incorporating physical activity into their daily lives, and this has established new passions and interests as well as having physical and mental health benefits. 

“We have provided sessions such as rock climbing, MMA and self-defence, circus skills, swimming, military training and cycling, among many other types of activities.  The enrichment sessions are also enjoyed by staff, who have found that they have built better relationships with learners which has made a positive difference throughout the school.” 

Dr Kelly Morgan, deputy director of SHRN at Cardiff University, who oversees data collection, said: “SHRN is now in its 11th year and involves every secondary school in Wales, asking questions on a wide range of areas that matter to young people. Our aim is to provide robust and widespread data so that decision-makers in the health and education sector have the tools to develop tangible and long-lasting solutions. We are grateful to all the schools and students who have participated.” 

Zoe Strawbridge, analyst at Public Health Wales said: “Working in collaboration with SHRN and Welsh Government has provided a great opportunity to develop an interactive dashboard, giving us a detailed insight into regional differences in health and wellbeing of young people in Wales. We look forward to developing this tool and sharing the results on further topics over the coming year.” 

The dashboard can be accessed here:

School Health Research Network (SHRN) Data Dashboard


 Data Anonymity and The SHRN Student Health and Well-being Survey in Primary Schools

Why should primary schools register to take part in SHRN’s 2024 data collection?

SHRN has become a unique and invaluable part of the education health and well-being infrastructure in Wales. Our strategic partnership with Public Health Wales and integration with The Welsh Network of Health and Well-being Promoting Schools (WNHWPS), along with substantive and ongoing investment from Welsh Government, has enabled SHRN to grow into a national network of research and evaluation.

SHRN is cited in over thirty Welsh Government policies and strategies as providing support for the delivery and evaluation of health and well-being policy agendas and interventions. These include the Whole-School Approach to Emotional and Mental Well-being (2021) and Estyn’s Healthy and Happy Report (2019).

To find out more about the huge benefits of joining SHRN, read our primary school and school success and impact brochures.

Is The SHRN Student Health and Well-being Survey anonymous?

Yes. The Student Health and Well-being survey collects indirect identifies such gender, school year group (as a proxy for learner age), and ethnicity. It would be extremely difficult to use this data to discover the identity of a survey participant from the thousands of children and young people who take part.

Further, all data fed back to schools is done so in an aggregate form through year group and gender breakdown (e.g., the percentage of year 7 learners who eat breakfast every weekday). This prevents deductive disclosure as a set number of learners must provide a response to enable the data to be shared.

Why is SHRN anonymised data so important?

When exploring the health and well-being needs of your school, it is important to take the time to consider the needs of your whole-school community. This approach ensures that both policy and practice supports and nurtures learners, staff, and the wider school community. It will also help to build social capital across the school.

Anonymised SHRN survey data protects privacy, whilst empowering schools to enhance their learner’s health and well-being.

SHRN and its anonymised data, has become a unique and invaluable part of the education health and well-being infrastructure in Wales.

What are the benefits of SHRN anonymised data?

There are many benefits including…

SHRN data can be retained each year and have continuing value for research purposes.

An example of this would be using the data to help understand change over time in children’s and young peoples’ health and well-being through combining with previous and subsequent anonymised SHRN survey data. By analysing trends and patterns, schools can identify areas of concern, tailor support accordingly and evaluate their progress.

SHRN Survey findings can be benchmarked against national findings to provide a wider context and comparison for school-level findings.

Our data plays a key role in national, regional, and local planning, as well as influencing UK-wide and international research and policies.

SHRN School Level data can be shared with teaching staff; learners; school governors; parents and carers; Public Health Wales and Estyn to ensure that everyone can be involved in the discussions about children’s and young peoples’ health and well-being.

It helps to develop a school culture of intervention and change. It also represents an important means by which learners can influence the vision and delivery of services and practice which affect their health, well-being, attainment and future life chances.

It helps to develop a school culture of intervention and change.

Used in conjunction with The School Environment Questionnaire (SEQ), the survey data provides useful evidence for identifying need and setting health and well-being priorities to support school improvement. The SEQ allows relationships between school policies (e.g. school leadership; school ethos; environment; curriculum learning; family and community engagement) and practices and student health outcomes to be investigated. It provides schools with a unique opportunity to assess the health and well-being of learners in the context of their school policies and practices. It also covers a range of emotional and physical health topics to reflect a Whole-School Approach to Health and Well-being and the Curriculum for Wales.

SHRN data anonymity helps schools to evaluate objectively, offering a framework for universal application.

Other non- anonymised surveys select and measure specific well-being measures such as positive emotion whilst at the same time identifying learners. Quantifying such subjective experiences can be challenging, making it difficult to select appropriate response scales and assess whole-school progress accurately. Additionally, the lack of anonymity can sometimes lead to learners avoiding giving honest survey answers or taking part in data collection.

Anonymisation limits data protection risks and enables information to be made available to other organisations, or wider health and education communities across

In general, it is easier to disclose anonymous information rather than personal data as fewer legal restrictions apply. It is also easier to use anonymous information in new and different ways, as the data protection rules do not apply to properly anonymised data. Results from the data can be shared widely in reports to Government, and be published in scientific journals. It can also be used to support programmes of work in school clusters.

Finally… any messages to the primary schools who are thinking about registering to take in the 2024 SHRN data collection?

Registration for the SHRN 2024 data collection in primary schools closes on 19 July 2024, so I would urge those who haven’t yet registered to sign up quickly so that they do not miss out on the unique benefits that SHRN has to offer.

To find out more visit