Food, Fitness and Physical Activity


Good Breakfast, Good Grades?

This webinar was held in February 2016 and was presented by Hannah Littlecott, Cardiff University

Physical Activity, E Cigarette Use and the Impact of Smoking Policies

This webinar was held in March 2018 and was presented by Kelly Morgan and Elen deLacy, Cardiff University

How does time-off in school holidays impact children and young people’s mental health?

This webinar was held in February 2020 and was presented by Dr Kelly Morgan, Cardiff University

Research Briefs:

These are short, school-friendly summaries of research studies that have been completed using SHRN data. Full papers for the studies are linked to below under ‘Research Papers’

Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in young people in Wales in 2014

Summer holiday experiences and mental wellbeing on return to school


Contact your local Healthy Schools team for advice on all aspects of healthy eating and physical activity and recommended local support and resources

Research Papers:

Morgan K, Hallingberg B, Littlecott H, Murphy Murphy, Fletcher A, Roberts C, Moore G
Predictors of physical activity and sedentary behaviours among 11-16 year olds: Multilevel analysis of the 2013 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study in Wales
BMC Public Health

Morgan K, Melendez-Torres G, Bond A, Hawkins J, Hewitt G, Murphy S, Moore G
Socio-Economic inequalities in adolescent summer holiday experiences, and mental wellbeing on return to school: analysis of the School Health Research Network / Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey in Wales
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Littlecott H, Moore G, Moore L, Lyons R, Murphy S
Association between breakfast consumption and educational outcomes in 9-11-year-old children
Public Health Nutrition