Essential Reading for SHRN

SHRN Information Brochure

An outline of who we are, what we do, and our core elements. The brochure also provides a timeline for primary schools, detailing when data collection takes place, and when to expect the 2025 report.

School Success and Impacts

We are extremely proud of the work we do with schools and these achievements. Here’s a look into some of our school success stories, and how schools have used their SHRN data to celebrate their strengths and work on areas of development.

SHRN School Environment Questionnaire (SEQ)

The SEQ Fact Sheet is our go-to guide for the SHRN School Environment Questionnaire, which is completed every two years at the same time as The SHRN Student Health and Well-being Survey.

SHRN Reports

Our reports deliver valuable insights gathered from extensive surveys conducted in primary and secondary schools. These surveys focus on essential health and well-being metrics, providing the data needed to make informed decisions.

SHRN Secondary School Animation

The SHRN Secondary School Animation presents data from the 2021 Health and Well-being Survey, providing a useful insight into the health behaviours of learners aged 11-16 in Wales.

The Interactive Secondary School Children’s Health and Well-being Dashboard – SHRN Survey Data

SHRN, in collaboration with Public Health Wales, have released an interactive dashboard presenting regional and national data on the health and well-being of secondary school-aged children in Wales.

Development of the SHRN School-Level Dashboard and Prototype

The aim of the dashboard is to empower schools to use research data to create environments that promote good mental and physical health. The School Level Dashboard was developed as part of a Mental Health Data Prize project, funded by Wellcome.