Primary School Registration 2024

A warm welcome to primary schools who are registering for the 2024 Autumn data collection. This page provides supplementary information to support your registration and SHRN membership and should be viewed alongside your invitation letter and registration form.

Registration Dates: Schools can register between 17th June – 19th July 2024 for the Autumn data collection. Please ensure your school only registers once.

Invitation: An invite will be sent to your school via email. It will be sent to your school’s main email address (unless we have been instructed otherwise). If you have not received the invitation, please contact us on:

How to register: You can register your school via the QR code provided in the invitation email. Please read our terms of membership/research agreement and complete the registration form. We are unable to process any late submissions.

Data Collection: The SHRN data collection takes place between 16th September and 20th December. The Student Health & Well-being Survey is available to year groups 3 – 6, and The School Environment Questionnaire (SEQ) can be completed by a member of the schools’ senior leadership team.

Data Reports: Schools receive a bespoke SHRN Student Health and Well-being Data Report, providing school-level data across year groups* against national averages across a range of health and well-being topic areas. *sufficient number of learners must complete otherwise a small school cluster report will be provided to avoid deductive disclosure. School data reports can be used for school action planning activities and self-evaluation of Whole-School Approach to Mental Health and Well-being. Your school will receive its bespoke data report Easter 2025.

Brochure: Our brochure outlining who we are, what we do and benefits of membership can be accessed here:

Webinar: If you missed our webinar on 11th June, please view here. You can watch presentations on: 1. Who we are, what we do and benefits of membership; 2. Registration and data collection process and timelines; 3. How your school can use SHRN data.

Ethical Approval: Our data collection follows an appropriate and robust approach to informed consent and safeguarding. Each research survey cycle is reviewed and approved by Cardiff University Ethics Committee.

Data Protection:

  • All learner answers are completely anonymous – no identifiable information is collected.
  • All data will be stored securely in accordance with GDPR & the Data protection Act 2018. View our data protection policy, here.
  • Anonymised summaries of the data will be included in reports to your school, local authorities, Public Health Wales and Welsh Government.
  • Data will be used for non-commercial research purposes by approved persons, and anonymised summaries will be published in scientific journals.
  • Anonymised survey data will be retained indefinitely where it has value for scientific research purposes, e.g. longitudinal research.

Data Sharing: SHRN helps schools, and those who support them, to understand health research evidence and how it can be used for health improvement. SHRN works closely with Public Health Wales and Welsh Network of Health Promoting Schools (WNHWPS) to provide evidence-informed resources. This includes data sharing and dissemination activities, such as webinars and research briefings, to engage with and support all members of the school community to better understand and meet the health and well-being needs of their learners. Student survey and SEQ data collected through your school is known as SHRN data. We share SHRN data with our trusted partners for policy and practice purposes and it is also accessed by approved researchers for research purposes. This includes, but is not limited to data sharing with:

  • Public Health Wales: aggregated data is made publicly accessible through the PHW: SHRN Data Dashboard. It details health and well-being indicators at local authority, health-board and national levels. Individual school’s cannot be identified through this product. The dashboard is being developed to hold data from primary school data collection.
  • Public Health Wales: for the purpose of understanding progress and impact at school, local authority and national level of activities to embed the whole-school approach to emotional and mental well-being. In some instances, SHRN may identify schools who meet PHW intervention criteria and share this information with PHW so they can invite the school to take part in available interventions (such as identifying schools with high smoking rates so they can be invited to participate in the JustB intervention programme).
  • Registration: Information provided on the registration form will be shared with your local Healthy School Coordinators from Welsh Network of Health and Well-being Promoting Schools (WNHWPS) as they help recruitment and data collection activities. We will also share registration information with our survey provider for survey programming and reporting purposes.